Since ancient times, Ky Nam has been considered a high-class tribute from royal dynasties. Ky Nam is the rarest wood among wood products in our country. With its strong fragrance, astragalus is also a source of precious medicinal herbs as well as a high-class feng shui item for humans.
For that same purpose, in the past, many rich nobles often used it in daily life, as gifts and tributes.
Nowadays, astragalus is extremely rare, few people can use it because its price is very high, from several billion to tens of billions of dong per 1kg of astragalus.
Why is the male star so expensive and so sought after by the rich?
We invite you to clarify with Tram Huong Viet.
1. What is Ky Nam?
Ky nam is the specific name of a type of agarwood of extremely good quality. Astragalus forms on Aquilaria trees through the process of the tree being infected by natural agents.
The oil will secrete into the infected area, covering the injured and infected part, going through a long cycle to form a period.
Normally, normal agarwood oil will form first. Over time, some points in the agarwood block will change the oil into agarwood and then gradually spread out.
alt=”period south” title=”Learn about men's periods – 4 Ways to distinguish standard men's periods” sizes=”(max-width: 568px) 100vw, 568px”/>Beautiful Vietnamese arbor wood pattern
Exploiting agarwood in the wild, there is always a quantity of agarwood surrounding the block of agarwood. That part of the agarwood has a very good fragrance, often called agarwood.
Astragalus usually forms mostly under tree roots and stumps. These areas are often infested with ants and other insects. The underground is also home to many types of fungi and microorganisms, so it can easily make the tree sick. and create oil.
Not every geographical location can produce aloe vera trees. In fact, Arowana trees are largely distributed in many countries with tropical climates in Asia. But only a very very few countries have Aquilaria trees, typically Vietnam's Aquilaria tree, which is recognized and famous in the world.
Vietnam is the country with the largest agarwood production in the world, and the quality of agarwood and agarwood here is considered top.
Ky nam has a large amount of essential oil contained in the wood. The red, flexible oil looks like honey wax if magnified many times.
2. Men's period price
Just like agarwood, the price of agarwood depends on the volume of the agarwood block, the quality of oil contained in the wood, the type of agarwood, water-resistant or non-water-resistant.
How much does Ky Nam cost for 1kg?
The price of astragalus ranges from 10 billion VND to 15 billion VND for 1kg of non-sinkable astragalus.
For astragalus with high oil content and submerged in water, depending on the size, the price will range from 16 billion VND to more than 20 billion VND for 1kg of astragalus depending on the type.
The price of men's jewelry is increasing over time because of its rarity and the desire of collectors to own it.
3. How many types of men are there?
Aloe vera is classified into 4 main types, depending on the nuances and oils of the aloe vera.
Black Ky: The wood of Nam Ky is black, looks like tar, the oil blends into the hard and heavy wood fibers.
Astragalus: Astragalus wood has a yellow color and is hard and heavy.
Thanh Ky: Thanh Ky wood has a bluish-purple color, a lot of oil makes it soft, a little oil makes it hard and dry.
Bach Ky: Astragalus wood has a gray-brown white color, around the astragalus layer there seems to be a layer of smooth and sticky white sugar, containing a lot of astringent and soft essential oils.
alt=”period south” title=”Learn about men's periods – 4 Ways to distinguish standard men's periods” sizes=”(max-width: 568px) 100vw, 568px”/>Ky nam has tight and parallel fibers that look like agarwood balls, the fibers are soft and easy to peel.
When cutting a block of Astragalus, you will see a reddish brown color inside, but leave it for a period of time, just about 1 hour, and that area will turn to a brighter white color due to oxidation with air. This type is extremely rare, not seen much on the market.
There are many people who mistake agarwood as a fossilized white stone block or white oleoresin blocks that burn to give off incense, but in fact it is not, because agarwood or agarwood is formed on wood and must be contaminated. only then it has value.
The true value of Ky Nam lies in the oil contained in this wood, otherwise it is just “waste” because the wood of the tree is spongy and hollow.
To undergo the natural fossilization process, it requires hundreds of millions of years under pressure, buried under layers of sediment and volcanic lava.
At the buried site, underground water circuits contain many natural minerals: silica, metal oxides… reacts and fills in, gradually replacing the wood's decay and taking its place.
That reaction continued continuously for millions of years to form the “fossil wood” we see today. With such a theory of formation, a fossilized astragalus block, IF ANY, would still have no value at all… and whether or not there were agarwood trees in that era is still a big unknown…
4. How to identify men's periods
For people who don't know anything about agarwood and agarwood, they often confuse the types of wood that contain oil and rot. Most types of oil wood have a fragrant scent, but not all fragrant and water-resistant are agarwood and agarwood.
alt=”period south” title=”Learn about men's periods – 4 Ways to distinguish standard men's periods” sizes=”(max-width: 568px) 100vw, 568px”/>Thanh Ky Nam
alt=”period south” title=”Learn about men's periods – 4 Ways to distinguish standard men's periods” sizes=”(max-width: 568px) 100vw, 568px”/>Close-up of the horizontal fibers of acacia wood with a lot of oil and flexibility
For those who are knowledgeable but not yet knowledgeable, agarwood is often mistakenly sold at a strange price. Of course they had suffered heavy losses but didn't know it.
And now on the market, there have also appeared many types of Ky Hai Nam, or Sunken Banh agarwood with high quality magic that is difficult to recognize if you are not an expert.
Combining 4 ways to identify men's periods
– Look: Observing the wood block of astragalus under a magnifying glass, we will see that the fibers of astragalus will be stacked on top of each other, running long, with thin threads, the color of astragalus when illuminated with a strong light will be metallic red. The meat fibers will have a lot of oil so they will look moist.
alt=”period south” title=”Learn about men's periods – 4 Ways to distinguish standard men's periods” sizes=”(max-width: 568px) 100vw, 568px”/>The vertical grain of the male flag is taken in close-up
– Taste: Trim a small amount of Ky Nam flesh, then chew lightly on the front teeth, you will see the adhesion of the two teeth together, due to the flexible oil of Ky Nam. Then, use your tongue to press the piece of mandrake tightly against it. The tongue will be numb for a long time (about 20-30 minutes).
Agarwood only has a bitter taste, but agarwood will have a bitter taste first, then sweet, then sour and spicy, the spicy here is actually the tongue is already numb at that time so the feeling is similar to the spicy in the mouth. tongue.
alt=”Southern oil” title=”Learn about men's periods – 4 Ways to distinguish standard men's periods” sizes=”(max-width: 568px) 100vw, 568px”/>The grain of astragalus wood is enlarged and illuminated with light. There is a lot of astragalus oil between the wood slots
– Smell: Due to the flexible head and aromatic properties of astragalus, we will see that the scent of astragalus has a sweet, cool scent like mint candy. When you bring it close to your eyes, it feels harsh and stinging, like burning oil, making your eyes sting and make you cry.
alt=”Southern wood” title=”Learn about men's periods – 4 Ways to distinguish standard men's periods” sizes=”(max-width: 568px) 100vw, 568px”/>The amount of plastic oil is large and high, giving the wood a translucent luster under strong light
Burning: When burned, aloe vera will emit a very strong aroma, a sweet scent that is deep and lasting in the throat, blue smoke flying high and straight without interruption.
Finally, if you don't have the ability to recognize it, you should find people with experience and knowledge about men's periods to learn from. Experiencing the right people at the right time is the way for us to learn the fastest
6. Artificial Ky Nam – Hai Nam Ky
Currently, artificial menstruation appears quite a lot on the market. The origin of this artificial menstruation is researched and created by Chinese scientists, called Hainan period or Chinese period.
The “mother ky nam” tree is a wood tree that has grown to ky nam and is picked up by local people and sold to researchers. From there, the mother plant is raised and grows into many baby plants.
alt=”acanthus tree” title=”Learn about men's periods – 4 Ways to distinguish standard men's periods” sizes=”(max-width: 481px) 100vw, 481px”/>The mother astragalus tree is carefully fenced and protected.
alt=”Hainan plant like tree” title=”Learn about men's periods – 4 Ways to distinguish standard men's periods” sizes=”(max-width: 499px) 100vw, 499px”/>The Hainan plant is extracted from the mother plant
These Hainan axolotl seedlings (F1 varieties) were nurtured for 3 years and then mechanically wound without the need for drug inoculation within 2 years, after 5 years from the time of planting and mechanical wounding. , the tree will produce aloe vera . The scent quality of this type is relatively good, it also has many important compounds but not as much as the natural aloe vera plant formed in the wild.
alt=”Ky Nam tree” title=”Learn about men's periods – 4 Ways to distinguish standard men's periods” sizes=”(max-width: 682px) 100vw, 682px”/>After growing, the artificial mandrake plant produces good growth
alt=”Ky Nam tree” title=”Learn about men's periods – 4 Ways to distinguish standard men's periods” sizes=”(max-width: 406px) 100vw, 406px”/>The quality of Hainan amaranth achieves high yield per tree.
Currently, artificial astragalus has been cultivated and developed, originating from China and spreading to Malaysia.
However, careful attention must be paid to the selection of plant varieties because the high-quality hainan variety is the F1 variety extracted directly from the mother plant. F2 or F3 varieties extracted from F1 or F2 plants often give poor and unstable quality.
In the future, if Vietnam can apply these techniques, it will truly be a large source of supply and high economic value for the agarwood industry.
alt=”Hainan period” title=”Learn about men's periods – 4 Ways to distinguish standard men's periods” sizes=”(max-width: 512px) 100vw, 512px”/>
alt=”Hainan period” title=”Learn about men's periods – 4 Ways to distinguish standard men's periods” sizes=”(max-width: 512px) 100vw, 512px”/>Artificial Hainan Ky after exploitation and finished products.
7. Fossilized astragalus
As mentioned in section 3 about the classification of men…
Actually, I don't understand this “fossil axolotl” and don't know what kind of “fossil amantis” it is. But……according to my personal logical point of view, it is strange that it is oil, oil is the fluid of a tree, so it cannot be fossilized.
Actually, Tram Huong Viet also met many people offering these types of products for sale. Mostly it is the fragrant resin of a certain tree secreted in the tree's bladder. This layer of resin clumps like ice, but when burned, it melts and creates fragrance.
alt=”Fossil period” title=”Learn about men's periods – 4 Ways to distinguish standard men's periods” sizes=”(max-width: 568px) 100vw, 568px”/>The resin sample offered by a customer was Ky Nam fossil
In fact, the aloe vera that most people buy and use is a type of wood that contains a certain amount of oil and has a strong natural fragrance.
As for the “fossil aster”, I really don't have anyone buying it yet. Because no one wants to buy it, I don't even care about it when someone offers it.
Note: Not every type of wood that smells good or sinks in water is agarwood or agarwood, there are many types of oily wood that have their own unique fragrance and density greater than water.
8. Uses of aloe vera
Ky Nam is considered the best natural perfume, long-lasting, most pleasant and most seductive.
It is a valuable medicine that looks like oriental medicine, nourishes the body, increases longevity, enhances blood circulation, protects against wind, keeps the body warm…many remedies to cure diseases and nourish the body are recorded in oriental books. ancient Chinese and Japanese medicine.
The scent of agarwood helps the body feel comfortable, calms the mind, and makes it easier to fall asleep. In addition, the scent of agarwood and agarwood also repels insects very effectively.
Agarwood is considered an effective item to repel evil spirits. Agarwood and agarwood have Yang properties and are effective items to repel negative energy.
Many people in the agarwood industry say that wearing a male flag is very lucky, everyone wants to keep a small sample for themselves as a good luck item.
Because they are items that bring luck, agarwood and agarwood are used in feng shui a lot.
Products from agarwood and agarwood help homeowners avoid bad luck, increase prosperity, attract wealth and ward off evil spirits very well.
With its great uses, rarity and difficulty to find, Ky Nam's price is much higher than the price of gold and is as precious as black diamonds in the green forest.
9. Men's image
alt=”Men's pendant” title=”Learn about men's periods – 4 Ways to distinguish standard men's periods” sizes=”(max-width: 568px) 100vw, 568px”/>Image of a men's pendant
alt=”10mm men's period ring” title=”Learn about men's periods – 4 Ways to distinguish standard men's periods” sizes=”(max-width: 568px) 100vw, 568px”/>10mm men's period ring has flexible oil.
alt=”men's rings” title=”Learn about men's periods – 4 Ways to distinguish standard men's periods” sizes=”(max-width: 568px) 100vw, 568px”/>Men's period ring covered in gold
You can see more agarwood products at the website:
Today's men's clothes are extremely rare, so owning a small sample of men's clothes to put in your wallet or wrap around your body is really difficult.
However, for the super rich, the larger the collection of items made from aloe vera, the more it shows class.
Sculpture products from Ky Nam such as Ky Nam faces, Ky Nam figurines or bracelets made from Ky Nam are worth billions.
Choosing to buy products made from astragalus requires careful consideration, because of the price and rarity, not every place sells astragalus and has real astragalus for sale.
You may mistakenly buy agarwood wood as grade 1 agarwood or “agarwood with a high amount of plastic oil” if you do not know how to distinguish between agarwood and agarwood. Even a different type of fragrant wood, not agarwood at all.
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